Deliverable Number | Deliverable Name | Related WP |
D1.1 | Critical hazards for transportation infrastructure and their intensity measures | 1 |
D1.2 | Generation multiple hazard scenarios for transportation infrastructure in Greece | 1 |
D2.1 | State of the art report on methodologies for multi-hazard analysis of bridges | 2 |
D2.2 | Time-dependent bridge-specific multi-hazard fragility analysis of bridges considering uncorrelated and subsequent multi-hazard effects and case study applications | 2 |
D3.1 | State of the art report on methodologies for multi-hazard vulnerability assessment of tunnels | 3 |
D3.2 | Time dependent, structure-specific fragility curves of tunnels in a multiple hazard environment | 3 |
D4.1 | Methodology for multi-hazard risk assessment of transportation networks and estimation of bridge resilience | 4 |
D4.2 | Software development (fully parametrized, interactive, GIS representation) for critical infrastructure and network multi-hazard risk and resilience assessment | 4 |
D5.1 | Multi-hazard Risk and Resilience Assessment of the roadway network of Western Macedonia | 5 |
D6.1 | Guidelines for the fragility and loss assessment of transportation infrastructures considering soil- structure- interaction and ageing effects | 6 |
D6.2 | Web portal structure and implementation | 6 |
D7.1 | Report on awareness and wider societal implications | 7 |