
INFRARES will propose a comprehensive methodology and a relevant software for the risk and resilience assessment of critical transportation infrastructure components (i.e., bridges and tunnels) in a multi-hazard environment
With reference to the multi-hazard assessment approach; diverse natural hazards scenarios will be carefully selected for whole Greece, accounting for their frequency and potential effects on the examined transportation infrastructure components, i.e., bridges and tunnels. Emphasis will be placed on selection of appropriate Intensity Measures (IMs) that characterize the natural hazards and best correlate with the selected damage measures of bridges and tunnels.
The vulnerability of each of the examined components (bridges and tunnels) will be examined separately, for independent and uncorrelated or correlated hazards that are relevant and critical for their resilience. Appropriate numerical methodologies will be developed and employed for this purpose, accounting for salient parameters affecting the response and hence the vulnerability of the components. Emphasis will be placed on the ageing effects of the components, as well as soil-structure interaction phenomena. Aleatory and epistemic uncertainties will be quantified based on probabilistic analyses of the predictions of relevant analyses.
A comprehensive approach for the multi-hazard risk and resilience assessment of transportation infrastructure will be proposed, accounting for the outcome of previous steps, i.e., hazard assessment and vulnerability of examined components under the given hazards. The resilience of a transportation network containing the examined components (i.e., the capability and rapidity of the network to revive from a damage condition to the pre-event functionality level) will be quantified based on a resilience index, computed for various hazard scenarios.
Α new software module will be developed, allowing for easy estimation of time-dependent, multi-hazard fragility functions for roadway bridges and tunnels, consisting a valuable tool for rapid and rigorous pre- or post-event assessment of infrastructure and post-event risk management. Fragility functions for the proposed infrastructure components (bridges, tunnels) will be derived for independent and uncorrelated or correlated hazards (the latter for given combinations of hazards and given time-scenarios), facilitating risk and resilience estimations.
INFRARES is articulated in seven interdependent Work Packages (WPs):
A ranking of natural hazards that may lead to damage on bridges and tunnels will be established for Greece in WP1. Novel numerical methodologies for the derivation of fragility functions for bridges and tunnels subjected to independent and uncorrelated or correlated natural hazards will be developed within WP2 and WP3, respectively. The fragility analyses will refer to hazard scenarios defined in WP1 and will account for ageing phenomena of the structures, as well as SSI effects. A unified methodology for the risk and resilience assessment of transportation infrastructure components in a multi-hazard environment will be developed within WP4, accounting for the newly developed fragility functions developed in WP2 and WP3. In addition, a fully parametrized, interactive software will be developed for the application of the methodology. The proposed methodology will be tested in a pilot study referring to the risk and resilience assessment of a roadway network in Western Macedonia, Greece, within WP5. WP6 focus on dissemination activities of the project, including the development of technical guidelines and recommendations, concerning the risk and resilience assessment of transportation infrastructure in a multi-hazard environment. A functional, efficient, and appropriate management of the project will be the objective of WP7.